Friday, October 15, 2010

How powerful are our thoughts?

It may be the miracle cancer recovery, the incredible healing from an incurable disease, or even just the placebo effect - we've all heard about it, if not witnessed or experienced it, sometime in our lives. Positive thinking has been evidenced in many research studies to be beneficial in the cure or control of illnesses. And likewise on the other hand, negative thinking appears to be equally effective in its destructive sense - such as the harm on our health that stress and unhappiness can cause. Although current science cannot yet fully explain all these occurrences, we all are aware of that our thoughts can potentially have considerable impact on our wellbeing. So really, how powerful are our thoughts?

We started a simple experiment five weeks ago based on Dr Masuru Emoto's studies on water crystals. The experiment is outlined below, with photos taken during the course of our experiment.

Aim: Test the power of how your thought can affect energy matter

Materials: Raw rice, 3 glass bottles, one bottle of tap water


  1. Divide the raw rice evenly into the three different bottles.

  2. Put an equal amount of water into all the glass bottles and the water level should be about 3cm above the rice.

  3. Seal the bottles and label the bottle with what you are going to speak (eg. You fool, Thank you etc.). Remember to keep one bottle as control which means you are going to ignore it.

  4. Hold the bottle and speak to them everyday for at least 30 seconds.

As you can see from the photographs, all three bottles of water with rice were the same colour at the beginning of the experiment. However, notice how the bottle marked 'You fool' altered in colour following two weeks, and by five weeks it turned a distinct dark brown colour whilst the rice in the 'Thank You' bottle maintained its pristine white colour.

The outcome of this rice experiment underscores the immense power our mind and thoughts possess.

Indeed, Buddha once said:

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

The mind is everything. What we think we become."

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